Curriculum Drivers: VOICE
We believe that our curriculum should offer not only the National Curriculum, but life skills and experiences beyond this. A quality education should prepare each pupil to meet the challenges of the world. Our aim is to provide our pupils with a wide and fully rounded education, which enables them to develop not only academically, but also socially, emotionally, morally and spiritually. We want our pupils to leave us as confident, well-rounded and happy individuals, who not only feel valued, but also value themselves and others.
We have worked hard to ensure the curriculum we offer is enriched, knowledge-rich and reflects our community. We have aimed to prioritise the things we want all pupils to experience during their time at Bowes.
Based on the needs of our pupils, we have identified five drivers to underpin our curriculum: These are:
Our Bowes values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience are known by the whole school community and regularly referred to during school life. We want all pupils to foster life-long behaviours that will allow them to be successful at each stage of their education and beyond. Staff act as positive role models and embed the Bowes values through the curriculum and daily school life. Bowes is a very inclusive and nurturing school where we strive for pupils to be independent, motivated and confident individuals. Physical and mental well-being is paramount to ensure pupils are also healthy and happy. Our curriculum choices have been carefully chosen to develop pupil's understanding of diversity and the world in which they live.
We are committed to offering all of our pupils the very best of experiences throughout their time at Bowes. We like our pupils to engage and express their ideas in a range of creative forms. Our curriculum enables this, as we provide them with the opportunities to be imaginative and to use experiences and observations to make connections in their learning. Pupils thrive by advancing their knowledge and understanding through a wide range of creative, physical and expressive activities, nurturing their skills and talents while broadening their horizons and enriching their experiences of life. Developing a range of speaking and listening skills, behaviours and language; our pupils become effective communicators and collaborators. Their voice is both heard and valued.
We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils, making equality of opportunity a reality for pupils. We make this a reality through the attention that we pay to the different groups of pupils within our school: girls and boys; disadvantaged pupils; minority ethnic and faith groups; pupils who need support to learn English as an additional language; pupils with special educational needs; pupils with disabilities or medical needs; gifted and talented pupils; pupils who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion; travellers; asylum seekers.
We actively encourage our pupils to establish a sense of themselves within their local/wider community by developing the emotional understanding necessary in order to experience positive relationships and a respect of themselves and each other. Throughout our curriculum, we aim to promote an understanding of our local community and this is frequently used to inspire pupils by drawing upon the rich resources in London. Local history is valued and studied, along with other religious, cultural, geographical and business links. We explore how our school community, local community and wider community are important to us. We value the contributions that they make to our lives and our lives to theirs. We believe in the power of the parent/family participation and the wider school community to change and enhance lives. Events and initiatives organised by the Friends of Bowes PTA contribute to this sense of community cohesion.
We actively encourage our children to develop an awareness of their own impact and the impact of others, on the environment. We give all children the opportunity to learn about and take an active part in promoting sustainability, not only within the school community but beyond. Our Environment Week gives each year group an area to focus on, examining key issues on a local and global level. Children are encouraged to use their voices to campaign and challenge systems through membership of the Bowes Parliament, Rights Respecting Schools, Young Leaders and contact with local council MPs. Embedded through curriculum planning; children work on a variety of projects to reduce food waste, encourage recycling and cut single use plastic. Due to the school’s location, children work on projects to promote safer and healthier travel plans.