To support maths learning at home, we use MyiMaths in Years 1 - 6. MyiMaths is an interactive online teaching and homework subscription service for schools that builds pupil engagement and consolidates maths knowledge. It is written by experienced maths teachers to meet the National Curriculum.
Each pupil has their own login to access weekly home learning tasks set by their class teacher. The tasks will be a consolidation of the work completed in class that week.
How to access MyiMaths
Please visit and login at the top of the page using the school username and password that has been shared with parents. On the next page, your child should enter their personal username and password in the 'My Portal' box.
- When your child has been set a task by their class teacher it will appear in the Homework area. For each task, there is a link to a lesson if they would like to revise first, and a link to the homework itself.
- Each homework task has two pages of questions. Your child must press the 'Mark it' button on both pages to complete the task.
- Once 'Mark it' has been clicked the work is marked instantly and you and your child can see their result.
- Your child's scores will be saved to the database for their class teacher to view.
- Your child can try each task as many times as they like. Only their best score for each page of questions will be recorded.
- You and your child can view the completed tasks and how they are getting on in the 'Results' area.
Parent Support
For further support, please visit the Parent support page.
Please click here to watch a step-by-step walkthrough video for parents which highlights some other useful areas on the MyiMaths website to support home learning.
If you would like to work alongside your child when they are completing the tasks, an effective strategy is to pretend that you have forgotten how to do something and ask then to show you. Putting your child in the position of 'teacher' is good for their confidence and gets them talking about their thinking.