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At Bowes Primary School we aim to ensure that all pupils develop:

  • The ability to write fluently and with interesting detail on a number of topics throughout the curriculum.
  • A vivid imagination which makes readers engage with and enjoy their writing.
  • A highly developed vocabulary and an excellent knowledge of writing techniques to extend details or description.
  • Well-organised and structured writing, which includes a variety of sentence structures.
  • Excellent transcription skills that ensure their writing is well presented, punctuated and spelt correctly.
  • A love of writing and an appreciation of its educational, cultural and entertainment values.



Pupils take part in ambitious and well-structured daily English lessons which use 'Core Texts' as a visual or textual stimulus and a range of writing outcomes are produced based on these. 

Texts are carefully chosen to inspire a love of the written word, taking the reader on a journey from sharing picture books, to sharing a range of chapter books that gradually expose the reader to beautifully crafted storylines with evermore intriguing and challenging themes. Some books also fit with the year group’s Learning Quest themes.

Grammar development is carefully mapped out and built on lesson by lesson, year on year.  Correct grammatical terms are taught and used to discuss writing. We foster a culture where children take pride in their writing and are able to write clearly, accurately and coherently for a range of purposes and audiences.

Vocabulary is developed throughout all curriculum areas and is enhanced through oracy and application.

Effective composition is taught through planned and structured opportunities to imitate, innovate and write independently. 

Y1 - Y6 use a high quality digital spelling program called Spelling Shed. We aim to cultivate proficient spellers by providing an engaging learning experience that extends beyond the classroom.

We also use the program ‘Letterjoin’, a whole school program designed to help all children develop a neat, legible, cursive script. The lessons include opportunities for pattern practise and motor skills work as well as fun activities to bring handwriting to life.



Our children become independent creative writers who can apply their skills across the curriculum.  

They engage in a wide range of writing experiences and are equipped with the essential skills necessary to become effective communicators.